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Free Download Softwares with Keys and Computer Training Courses.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011


CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 is a famous and professionally used Graphics software.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 Full Version ( With Serial Key ) helps to design and edit photos and images in PC. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 Full Version is one of the latest software of COREL available on Computer Training 2011.
Professional Designers and Animators use CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 Full Version (With Serial Key) for completing their tasks easily.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 is also very easy to use.
Click on the above DOWNLOAD link to download CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 Full Version absolutely free without any cost.



  1. Thank you very much computertraining.blogspot.com
    Now I can learn Corel Draw


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    Thank you very much for visiting.

  3. minta tlh serial key nya dmn

  4. i am shahzad ahmad , you iam student of mca your site will appear in a google search for coral draw 11 in any other site they do not give full version coral draw with key for free download but your site i see my problem will stop on your site and solution for coral draw software will end . i my problem is for coral draw 11 full version free download with serial key . but your site also have coral draw 12 free download with serial key thanks many many thanks for your support and i will download every software problem on your site . have your site famous or upcoming pcgame software full version free download. if not please my suggestion you to releases branded large file pcgames and update new pcgames every month. so lastly i wish that your site will popular in future and i will say to visit this site and gain this site thanks for cooperation. my email id is ahmadshahzad906@gmail.com.please for every news for upcoming software utilities and games

  5. Hi, please help me. I've installed Corel Draw 12 but after everything is done, and i want to open the program it tells me that the installation was unsuccessful and that i must re-install it. When i go back to set-up and it gives me the options to modify, correct or remove. i chose to correct any installation problems and then it goes through the whole process again, only when i want to open the program it again gives me the same message that the program was not installed successfully.

    what shud i do?

  6. WARNING!!! BAD FILE!!! CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 Full Version does not work with any MS Windows operating system.

  7. i think downloaded coralDraw 12 doesn't have serial key

  8. how do we get or find the serial key

  9. Is the corel draw 12 download safe? I really need it cause I need it for my school, and I can't get any viruses...


  10. thanks brother ur working relly good

  11. Thanks for sharing information regarding corel Draw 12. i think, i will be get new things to learn in this version.
    About computer courses

  12. Good morning. I downloaded coralDraw 12 with serial key. during installation, it is asking for serial key. How do i get the serial key please

  13. can you sent me serial key
    chiepto_mic_ju@yahoo.com thx be4,,

  14. how do we get the serial key? What is the serial key?

  15. Link is broken dear
    Adnan Chamkani

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  17. not valid this file has been removed.

  18. after clicking on link it says
    The file link that you requested is not valid.

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