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Saturday, April 02, 2011


Universal XP Driver CD
Soft drivers for over 25.000 hardware components

No more need to spend hours on-line browsing for drivers !
(XP and win2k platforms only)
When you get those annoying "Yellow question marks" in your device manager.

This file contains software drivers for over 25,000 hardware components from brands such as Dell, HP, Compaq, IBM, Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, as well as hardware component manufacturers Intel, 3Com, VIA, nVidia, ATI, SoundMax, and many more.


  1. its also include gateway drivers....
    check it out if you any doubt....
    Thank You

  2. Please could you upload

    Adobe Flash PRO CS5.5
    Fireworks CS5
    Photoshop CS5

    preferably portable version if possible.
    really appreciate it, man your the best

  3. do these drivers work with win7


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